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Posted in Advice by Graham Alexander on July 2nd, 2012

Essential steps to STOPPING doctors, nurses and even social workers from making decisions about YOUR welfare!

Can you imagine a situation where you couldn’t make your own decisions? Where for some reason, you’re not in a state where you can decide what happens to you? What medication you take? What clothes you wear? You can’t even decide what food you eat or where you’ll live.

And sitting in the cold light of day reading this, it probably seems impossible. But it does happen, and it happens to a lot of people. In fact it happens every day to hundreds of people, people just like you and me: accident, or a sudden illness can strike at any time and completely without warning leaving us without the capacity to make our own decisions.

Sadly, if that happens, you’ll often find those all-important day-to-day decisions are made for you by doctors, nurses, and even social workers (and I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want social workers anywhere near me under those circumstances). Often even the wishes of the family are completely ignored.

But with a Welfare Power of Attorney document we can stop that from ever happening. In brief, it names specific individuals whom you trust to make decisions about your personal welfare, and serves to stop others from becoming involved. You can even specify what medication (if any) is acceptable and make it known you don’t want your life prolonged unnecessarily.

I know these are uncomfortable choices to think about now, but experience shows it’s far better to think about them now while you have time and can think about them rationally, than later when the worst has happened and everyone’s trying to come to terms with things.

So call us today and let us help you get your Will signed and sealed, once and for all.

*All figures correct at time of last web update.

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