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Posted in Advice by Graham Alexander on July 2nd, 2012

How to guarantee YOUR family know your wishes if you’re unable to tell them.

Although it’s not something which happens often, when it does, it’s a nightmare for the family. I’m talking about the situation where perhaps you’ve been taken suddenly ill or perhaps injured in an accident and there’s no hope of recovery… and the only thing keepng you alive is the machines.

Not something any of us really want to think about, I know; and if we’re honest, perhaps one of the worst things that can ever happen to us.

But it does happen, and I think if we really care about our families we need to consider the effect this can on them, because at some point the doctors are going to ask the family that final question: “do you want us to turn off the machines?”. As I’m sure you’re aware, at this point your family are going to be emotional enough as it is without you laying this burden upon them as well.

Fortunately, there is a simple way to make your wishes known ahead of time, so if this nightmare scenario does arise, you at least know your wishes will be communicated to your family even though you, personally aren’t able to tell them. It can seem a little morbid thinking about this now, and you might even hesitate to make your wishes known for fear of how your family will feel about it should such a terrible thing come to pass. But in my experience families actually appreciate having the decision taken out of their hands plus they feel glad your own wishes are not only known but are also being respected.

And I don’t think you can put a price on that, can you?

*All figures correct at time of last web update.

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